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We're moving off of SoundCloud - Adjust your podcast RSS to the new URL?



What's up party people! So, this is a short and hopefully sweet Soundcloud episode. So, let's get to it! As you've no doubt noticed, there's not a lot going on in my Soundcloud space. It seems that soundcloud is dying, and perhaps even, that its end is near. This has been announced before, and it's possible that this time will not be substantially different than the last. But, nonetheless, I feel foreced to excersize some prudence here to prevent us from having the wool pulled out underneath us unexpectedly. As you all know, I've been spending time in the last few months trying to figure out what's the best direction for the show going forward, and I think my testing is virtually complete. So here's the plan. Let's first talk about BU. I've copied all this soundcloud content over to libsyn. You can access it via So if and when soundcloud goes dark, you can find this archive, in full, at that address. From there, I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'm being forc