Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

How to Play with Yourself



Play is a topic that is often left out of the conversation in fitness.This is in spite of the fact that experimentation, exploration and going off script is at the core of many physical training disciplines—dance, martial arts, acrobatics, any sport you play. However, play is not just free form improvisation or what children do on the playground; it requires a foundation in what you are practicing.In this episode, we get into a subject that is near and dear to our hearts and some of our other parts: how to play with yourself. Key Points:What Play Is: It’s not just what kids do, what Play is in the context of training and skill acquisition How to Play Effectively: Play with what you already know; examples of how to explore what you are practicingSafety & the Unknown: Learn specific ways to maintain safety while doing something newOther Tips: Keeping an open mind and noticing opportunities can help you create more options The Future: Help us decide which episodes to record nextResources:The GMB Method – A b