Neyom Friday

Neyom Friday Presents - Mark Trahant



Mark Trahant is an independent writer, teacher and a “Twitter poet.” He is currently Editor in Residence at the University of Idaho, School of Journalism and Mass Media. He was a 2009 Kaiser Media Fellow and is writing about health care reform with the focus of learning from programs the government already operates, such as the Indian Health Service. Trahant recently completed a monograph on the legacy of Sen. Henry M. Jackson. “Scoop” Jackson waswell known for his work on the environment and in the international arena. Less well known is his legacy on American Indian policy. He was the sponsor of a series of major reforms ranging from the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Trahant was a visiting lecturer for a course he developed called “Twitter & Democracy” at the Universityof Colorado at Boulder. The course raised questions about how a nation can tell its story in 140characters. It explored the relationship between social media and the news