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29.07.17- Google Kills The Search Bar and Microsoft Kills MS Paint



Google recently launched a personalized news feed on the company's flagship app, and it will soon rollout to browser versions of The update is a huge deal for a couple of reasons: First, it will be the most radical change to Google's famously simple home page since 1996, or at least since the its big push behind Google+, which began in 2011 an has since been deemed a failure. It also positions Google to compete directly with the Facebook News Feed, which generally provides the same type of information like sports scores, viral videos, and news. Time is running out for Microsoft Paint. The venerable application that started its life 32 years ago as a monochrome, bitmap Windows 1.0 drawing program is on Microsoft's "Deprecated" list. In an official Microsoft list of "Features that are removed or deprecated in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, first spotted by The Guardian, Microsoft Paint is on the deprecated list. Microsoft defines "deprecated" as "might be removed from future releases." News that