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(Part 2) What’s Working (And What’s Not) Now on Meta and Google Ads With Nick Miller



Join Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam, along with the media buying wizard Nick Miller from Tier 11, as they dissect the latest shifts in media buying strategies, focusing particularly on the transition from Ad Set Optimization (ABO) to Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO). This trio unpacks the complex jargon of digital marketing and talks about practical tactics to leverage algorithms for improved campaign effectiveness. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just dipping your toes into the digital waters, this discussion will not only clarify the buzzwords but also enhance your understanding of the digital advertising landscape, all delivered with a healthy dose of wit. Prepare to have your marketing myths busted and your strategy skills sharpened in one insightful session.Chapters:00:00:00 - Kickoff: Meet the Hosts & Telegram Tactics00:01:15 - Strategy Session: Unpacking CBO & ABO00:02:25 - Target Practice: Audience Selection and the Algorithm Advantage00:06:00 - Automation Insights: Delving into Campaign