Service Design Show

How to Predict the Future and Make Smarter Decisions Today / Ali Draudt / Ep #197



Imagine that you had the power to look into the future... That you could escape from the short-term focus and envision a world years or even decades away. And on top of this, you'd be able to turn this vision into something real, a roadmap to guide your decisions today. Wouldn't that change everything? Now, this episode won't give you a crystal ball, but it might be the next best thing. We all know that the challenges we face today require different ways of thinking in order to solve them. If we continue on the trajectory we're currently on, our future isn't looking very bright, to say the least. In order to create a different, better future, we have to first imagine it. But with our world changing so fast, how can we even predict tomorrow, let alone years from now? Aren't we just better off focussing on the here and now? Not according to our guest, Ali Draudt. Ali teaches us that predicting the future is a hidden superpower of designers. Lucky for us, Ali is an expert – author of &qu